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At Harper, our core strength is the combined knowledge and effort of our unique and multi-talented employees, creating an authentic environment of innovation and collaboration. From engineering to accounting, marketing to manufacturing, Harper’s employees are challenged to think differently every day.

Below are some of Harper’s own who are living our brand – passionate about the customer and pioneering new thermal technology solutions every day.

Dr. Prasad Apte - Harper International“I’ve developed several processes from lab scale through commercialization throughout my career as a material scientist prior to joining Harper. The most critical stage is going from small to large scale and to a continuous process. The differences in each process or material development are interesting and challenging, and this is where Harper’s expertise shines through when we partner with our customer.”

Dr. Prasad Apte
Director of Technology

Read Prasad’s most recent article on Advancements in Thermal Processing of Nuclear Fuel Materials.


Brian Fuller - Harper International“It’s a dynamic place to be, where you can tackle challenging processes for innovative materials on a daily basis. Working with materials in reactive atmospheres that are flammable, corrosive, and condensable is the really fun stuff.”

Brian Fuller
Sales Engineer

Read Brian’s latest publication on “Developing Thermal Processes with Energy Efficiency in Mind”


Ron Vacek - Harper International“At Harper, it’s more about stretching our horizons, taking bigger risks in bigger markets, and that’s pretty unique. The beauty of it has been sustained over decades and there’s a lot to be said for that.”

Ronald Vacek
Director of Quality

Learn more about Ron’s passion – Customer Support


Harper International Director of R&D“There’s some very talented people here. Because of their creativity and their ability to solve problems, it makes it pretty interesting to work here.”

Dr. William Stry
Senior Process Technology Engineer

Read Bill’s latest presentation on “Innovations in Oxidation Technology to Enable Market Growth”


Dr. Peter Witting - Harper International“We work with new processes through the developmental stage, to the point where it will actually work. At the end of the day, you want something that not only is a neat idea, but it actually has to work.”

Dr. Peter Witting
Senior Process Technology Engineer

Read about how Peter’s ideas turn into real Patents


Dr. Renee Bagwell - Harper International“In the field, I deal with everyone from the contractors to the engineers to the project manager, and I’ve even dealt face to face with the people on the board or owners of the company. It is great to be involved with our customers so closely and to develop that kind of relationship.”

Dr. Renee Bagwell
Senior Process Technology Engineer

Read Renee’s recent paper on “Key Parameters for Consideration in the Development of a Carbon Fiber Research Line”


Bruce Dover - Harper International“Harper has always been at the forefront of its core businesses, and helping our customers shepherd their development sequence to improve their chance of success is how we work.”

Bruce Dover
Senior Process Technology Engineer

See what Bruce is talking about – The Ignite™ Program