Harper International Corp.
4455 Genesee Street, Suite 123
Buffalo, NY 14225 USA
Phone: 716-276-9900
Fax: 716-810-9460

General Inquiries: info@harperintl.com
Pulse™ Team – Soporte Técnico: technicalsupport@harperintl.com
Pulse™ Team – Parts Soporte: partssupport@harperintl.com
Pulse™ Team – Servicio de Apoyo: servicesupport@harperintl.com

Por favor, rellene el siguiente formulario, o comuníquese con una oficina de ventas internacionales.

    Name (required)


    Company Website

    Email Address (required)

    Phone Number

    Street Address



    Zip Code


    How did you hear about us?

    If "Other," for "How did you hear about us?" above, please provide further details

    Type of Material Being Processed

    If "Other," for "Type of Material Being Processed" above, please provide further details

    Scale of System

    Scope of System

    Temperature Range of Your Process (°C)

    Capacity Requirements (lbs/kg per hour)

    Continuous or Batch Process?

    Is this a budgeted project?

    Additional Details
